Deaf actor Troy Kotsur in Star Wars: The Mandalorian

How many of you are Star Wars fans? Well, you will be thrilled to know that there is a Deaf person who has a role as one of the Tusken Raiders as part of the Star Wars canon: The Mandalorian. 

 (Picture of TUSKEN RAIDER SCOUT #1)  

In Chapter 5 of The Mandalorian, he seeks safe passage across the lands that belong to the Tusken Raiders. The Mandalorian used sign language with one of the Tusken Raiders -  it is not American Sign Language, but called Tusken Sign Language (TSL). 

Tusken Raider Scout #1 role is played by Troy Kotsur, a Deaf person from California, and he is an artist in acting, directing, consulting, and other things. He has been involved with several films and TV shows such as “The Number 23” and “Sue Thomas: F.B. Eye.”

The Daily Moth reached out to Kotsur for an interview. 

 RENCA DUNN: You mentioned that you were a Star Wars fan since how old? 

 TROY KOTSUR: Eight years old! I have been a fan since that age. Remember that in the year of 1977, technology was limited and accessibility for Deaf people were limited, but that Star Wars movie blew my mind. It changed my life. Why? It was like “wet-eyes” – so visual for me. For the first 5 minutes, remember the opening of that movie? The spaceships shooting, the robots, C-3P0 scrambling, and all of that overwhelmed my eyes. I watched it 28 times. I watched the movie “Star Wars: A New Hope” 28 times. 

 RENCA DUNN: Oh wow!

 TROY KOTSUR: My hearing parents were probably annoyed, but they were fine with it because they would go food shopping  every time and then picked me up when the movie was over. 

 RENCA DUNN: Wow! Well, I am curious of your view on the Star Wars movies from back in the old days and up until today with all the modern technology in the movies. Do you miss the old days with how Star Wars movies were made? Or do you like the modern technology used today? 

 TROY KOTSUR: Good question. Good question. You would need to ask people like your parents’ age and your grandparents, what the best movie they have seen. I am sure they would say “Gone with the Wind” movie. Because it was the first movie with colors, had a swear word, and other things. So, like that- Star Wars was our first experience of seeing new things that blew my mind.  I do wonder what the next generation’s movie “inspiration” would be. I am sure that is your experience too. What do you think? 

 RENCA DUNN: Right, that is true. We have to think about what is the “inspiration” for that specific generation. For me, my perspective, I would say…”Avengers” ? 

 TROY KOTSUR: Ah yes perhaps! 

 RENCA DUNN: I have seen people talk a lot about “Avengers: Infinity War.” 

 TROY KOTSUR: I want to emphasize the “wet-eyes” instead of ears because I am Deaf. You know how I feel. It is what you feel with your eyes. So, I do not blame the Deaf community, many of us love Star Wars because of a million reasons.  Star Wars has amazing visuals, characters, aliens, light sabers, so colorful, and everything else!

 RENCA DUNN: You say you were a Star Wars fan since you were eight years old. How do you feel about getting this role with this show?

 TROY KOTSUR: Really, it is a blessing! When I was eight years old, I dreamed to be part of Star Wars. Many, many years later, almost 40 years later- it is fate. 

 RENCA DUNN: Kotsur mentioned that when the team got script, it mentioned sign language. One hearing person on the team knows sign language and that person mentioned that a deaf person should consult the sign language and become the role of being a Tusken Raider. Kotsur said that this is a good example for why it is important to have sign language classes for hearing people so they can become our allies for various opportunities out in the world.

 We were curious about how Kotsur developed Tusken Sign Language. 

 TROY KOTSUR: I did research on the culture and environment of Tusken Raiders. I researched on the desert called "sand people." That is what Luke Skywalker calls them "sand people."  Anyway, my goal was to avoid ASL. I made sure it became Tusken Sign Language based on their culture and environment.

RENCA DUNN: Kotsur shared what the sign name for Mandalorian is. 

 TROY KOTSUR: (shows sign for Mandalorian). It’s based on the helmet and the “M” handshape. 


 RENCA DUNN: Is there anything you want to add for our Deaf community who is watching this interview? 

 TROY KOTSUR: I hope that you keep telling Disney + that you want to see more sign language. I hope that the producers keep an open mind because this is just the beginning. 

 RENCA DUNN: Thank you so much for your time.

 TROY KOTSUR: Wait, one more! I want to say “stay with the light!” 

RENCA DUNN: Haha yes, right! 

 Right. Stay with the Light, always! Thank you Kotsur for your time. 

 Kotsur said that he hopes his appearance will lead to more opportunities for more Deaf actors to be part of various movies/TV shows. 

 You can find The Mandalorian on Disney +. 

DEAF NEWSAlex Abenchuchan